Healthy self-confidence – 健全な自信









Finding the right balance in our relationship with our ego is very important. We tend to undershoot or overshoot. Either we are in a funky mood and put ourself down, or we feel better than everyone else and strut around feeling proud. Rarely do we find the proper balance. Healthy self-confidence is that balance. It is being comfortable with ourself in our own skin. There is no need to put ourself down. This ease and comfort with ourself in our own skin reduces the need to put others down. More than we know, we negatively judge others and are jealous. Usually this goes unnoticed, and often arises from insecurity and doubt about ourself. When we are feeling comfortable with ourself there is less need to put others down. This is finding the right balance in our relationship with ourself. This is healthy self-confidence. It leads naturally to genuine concern for others, love, and compassion. Emaho!